报告题目:Spare Parts: Printing, Stocking or Purchasing?
时间:2018年6月5日(星期二)14:30—16: 00
报告内容介绍:Additive manufacturing (AM) is expected to reduce inventory required for repair and continuous use of systems, improve reliability, minimize operational complications resulting from limited parts availability, and profoundly change supply chain network and operations, including relationships with horizontal and vertical partners and data sharing mechanisms. Queuing models are incorporated into dual- and multiple-sourcing models to answer the research question of "what parts should be produced by AM" because of AM's high flexibility, long build time for a part, and expensive investment. New algorithms are developed for a large list of parts because the adoption of AM brings the interaction of inventory decisions among multiple parts and show the pattern of part selection among the three options of AM, inventory, and purchasing.
金明洲教授是美国田纳西大学(UTK)工业与系统工程系主任,国际工业及系统协会物流供应链分会主席,物流、运输和供应链工程(LTS)实验室主任,美国橡树岭国家实验室研究员。他长期从事物流与供应链管理、交通优化以及质量管理、经济和生命周期分析、气候变化、可持续发展、数据分析和先进制造等领域的研究,发表SCI论文80余篇,主持美国交通部、国土安全部、美国宇航局以及各州交通局等政府部门的科研项目四十余项,科研总经费超过600万美元。目前,他主要担任国际知名期刊《Journal of Cleaner Production》(影响因子6.71)Advanced and Sustainable Manufacturing方向的副主编,以及《Engineering Economists》、《International Journal of Production Economics》的编委会成员。他目前是IISE大西洋中部地区地区副总裁,最近当选为IISE研究员。2015年获得田纳西大学工程学院教学方面的最高奖,2014年获得美国工业工程学会物流及供应链的最佳教学奖。