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发布日期:2018-06-02    作者:     来源:     点击:

Title: Artificial Intelligence: Recent Developments and Futuristic Trends

报告人:新加坡南洋理工大学教授Prof. Er Meng Joo




The quest for building human-like intelligence has gained enormous momentum in recent decades. Since the seminal works on Artificial Intelligence (AI), the desire of realizing the quest has become stronger. With the rapid developments in Science, Engineering and Technology, machines that mimic human intelligence have become a reality and sometimes indispensable parts in our daily life, such as Apple Siri and Google Voice. . AI is the Science and Engineering that is concerned with the theory and practice of developing systems that exhibit the characteristics we associate with intelligence in human behavior: perception, natural language processing, reasoning, planning and problem solving, learning and adaptation, etc. It is predicted that there is a 50% chance AI will outperform humans in all tasks in 45 years. There is also a 50% chance AI will outperform humans at translation, truck driving, essay writing in 10 years and machines will take all jobs in 120 years. In this talk, recent developments of AI with applications in the financial sector, healthcare industry, education, etc will be reviewed. The futuristic trends and challenges will also be discussed.


Professor Er Meng Joo is currently a Full Professor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University. He has authored five books, 18 book chapters and more than 500 refereed journal and conference papers, serves as the Editor-in-Chief of 3 international journals. Professor Er won the Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award twice (2011 and 2015). He is also the only dual winner in Singapore IES Prestigious Publication Award in Application (1996) and IES Prestigious Publication Award in Theory (2001).


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